Racquet Sports Camp

Campers will serve, slam and paddle their way through a weeks worth of Racquet Sports. An introduction to Tennis, Pickleball...read more


Sit and Get Fit

Sit and Get Fit uses different programming which uses low impact exercises from a chair. This program is focused on...read more


Discovering Nutrition

Join us for a nutritional minute. This class will cover a variety of produce, how to cook it, and its...read more


Keyboard Kamp

Come jam out! This camp is for children interesting in beginning or continuing piano! Open for ages 5-7 from 9:00-10:00am...read more

Youth Cycling Camp

Throughout the course of camp, participants can expect to gain confidence and experience new thrills on the bike, learn to...read more


Flag Football Camp

This camp will get participants involved and active while promoting cooperative play, promoting teamwork and increase physical activity in a...read more


Chair Yoga

Achieve harmony as you relax and gain confidence from a seated position. Develop strength and balance as you slowly stretch...read more


30 Minutes Abs for Seniors

This 30 minute abdomen workout is specifically geared towards safe and effective strength training that will help safely build your...read more


Movies in the Park

Come enjoy Movies in the Park this summer! All movies start at dusk. This week, we're watching a movie at...read more