Turn Trash Into Trees

Since the inception of this program in 1980, 3.9 million pounds of newspapers and 68 tons of aluminum cans have been collected. $112,060.00 has been earned to purchase and plant 2,152 trees.

There are 3 Trash for Trees locations in Billings. In the Parking Lot of Stewarts Park(26th St. W), Veterans Park ( 13th St W), and Castle Rock Park (Wicks Lane).

Billings Big Tree Program

Billings has some amazing trees.  The Billings Big tree program is a way to celebrate trees.  Several Billings trees are State champions.

Anyone can nominate a tree for the Billings Big Tree Program.  To nominate a Big tree in Billings please provide as many measurements of the tree as possible with pictures if available to forestry@billingsmt.gov.

For a tree to be considered a Big Tree it must attain a point score that is higher than the previous held record.  Points are given for tree height in feet, circumference in inches, and 1/4 average crown spread (crown spread should be taken at the widest spread and at the narrowest spread) .

Example: Tree Height= 78 ft + circumference = 128″ + (average crown spread= 64ft /4)= 16 ft= 222 total points

List of Billings Big Trees

American Linden, Tilia americana67’ Tall, 83.5” Around, 11.75’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 162.25 PointsFred Bicha
**Black Walnut, Juglans nigra61’ Tall, 113” Around, 19’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 193 PointsSteve Riley
**Bur Oak, Quercus macrocarpa86’ Tall, 124” Around, 18.75’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 228.75 PointsMike Garvey
Bur Oak, Quercus macrocarpa Notable Mention
(possibly a hybrid species)
67’ Tall, 125” Around, 15.9’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 207.97 PointsBarb Popelka
**Catalpa, Catalpa speciosa59’ Tall, 126” Around, 9.9’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 113 PointsSteve Riley
Ginkgo, Ginkgo biloba32’ Tall, 83.5” Around, 11.75’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 162.25 PointsMike Garvey
Hackberry, Celtis occidentalis70’ Tall, 93.41” Around, 13.58’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 176.99 PointsMike Garvey
Honey Locust, Gleditsia tricanthos var. inermis73.5’ Tall, 91.06” Around, 13.66’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 178.22 PointsMike Garvey
Ohio Buckeye43’ Tall, 83.5” Around, 11.75’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 162.25 PointsFred Bicha
Plains Cottonwood113’ Tall, 365.5” Around, 24.75’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 503.25 PointsHarley ODonnell
Red Maple, Acer rubrum51’ Tall, 51.5” Around, 10.5’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 113 PointsSteve Riley
**Sycamore, Platanus occidentalis
(possibly a hybrid species)
70’ Tall, 74.14” Around, 11.2’ Wide (1/4 average crown spread) = 155.2 PointsFred Bicha
** Denotes State Champion Trees