Billings Parks & Recreation is empowering local volunteer groups to maintain their favorite public space within the City of Billings, to:

- Promote stewardship of and care for our public lands
- Sustain maintenance of parks and trails
- Acknowledge the service of individuals and groups
Who? – Social groups, churches, and organizations are encouraged to apply.
What? – Groups will be empowered to clean up trash in the park or section of trail, and identify significant vandalism or maintenance issues. Vandalism cleanup and seasonal projects will be coordinated with Parks staff. This may include but is not limited to: replacing bags at dog parks, spreading mulch at playgrounds, fruit or pinecone cleanup, tree planting, etc.
When? – Each group will need to commit to one cleanup event per quarter, and regular monthly presence by group members to identify maintenance needs.
Volunteer Expectations:
All volunteers must sign a waiver before doing any work in a park or trail, wear proper clothing and protective equipment, and record volunteer hours.
Parks Staff Expectations:
Parks staff will provide safety and maintenance equipment, install a sign to recognize the group, and complete an annual review of all adoptees to implement any needed changes.
Download the application to adopt your beloved park or trail today! For more information, contact the volunteer coordinator at