Exchange City Par 3 Golf Course
The Par 3 Golf Course in Billings is located at 19th St. West & Central Ave. Affordable season passes, green fees, and range balls are available. The Pro-Shop has all of your golf equipment needs, including custom fit clubs. Group and individual instruction is available by appointment. Call 406-652-2553 to learn more!

Exchange City Golf Cooperation Board
The purpose of this board is to oversee the management of the Par 3 Golf Course in Billings according to the operating agreement. These board members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Profits from the day to day operations are shared between the Exchange City Golf Course and the City for use in Parks and Recreation related projects.
For information on the Exchange City Golf Cooperation Board, please contact Mike Whitaker at (406) 657-8369.
- Trent Gardner, President
- Ron Cole, Vice President
- TBD (selection in Feb 22′), Secretary
- Toby Walker, Member at Large
- TBD (selection in Feb 22′), Member at Large