Come enjoy our Adult Coed Soccer Leagues in the Spring, Summer, and Fall! Our Adult Coed Soccer Leagues are for Adult players looking to enjoy the game of soccer, get some exercise, and enjoy each other’s comradery. Aggressive play is not permitted in these leagues.
Games are played 8v8, 9v9, 10v10, or 11v11 on junior fields. Teams must have at least 2 females on the field at all times. Games include 7 regular season matches with possibly an 8th date for a tournament. Divisions may be combined due to low enrollment. Team registration deadlines are a few days prior to each season beginning.
Click on the links below to register for the next Adult Coed Soccer League season. For more information visit the links at the bottom of the page.
Free Agent Information
If you are a “Free Agent” and are looking for a team to join, please email our Recreation Staff at recreation@billingsmt.gov. In your email please include: Information you are comfortable sharing about yourself (name, age, gender, experience playing soccer, positions played, etc.) Your preferred contact information (cell phone, email, etc.) Please put FREE AGENT in the subject line & be aware that your email will be copied and pasted to all of the managers. It will be up to the managers to contact you if they are looking for players to join their teams.
Registration opens up April 1st! Check out the 2025 Summer Brochure to see all the fun and exciting options Billings Parks and Rec has to offer.